Get Your PiFinder

The PiFinder is fully open source, but that doesn’t mean you have it build it yourself if you don’t want to. We can provide everything from ready to observe units to kits and build support. Take a look at the options below

Ready to Observe PiFinders

If you are looking for a ready to use solution we can provide fully assembled and tested PiFinders ready to slip into a finder shoe! Just answer a couple simple questions about your scope and we’ll provide a custom unit to suit your needs

Kits and Partially Assembled Units

If you’d like a jump start on parts sourcing, or a ready to assemble unit, we’ve got you covered. From the electronics, through the 3d printed parts to full kits, we offer everything you need to build a PiFinder simply and easily.

Parts Lists and Plans for the DIYers

Have a 3d printer? Handy with a soldering iron? You can build a PiFinder right now! Everything you need is in the PiFinder GitHub repository